Heaven and Hell

Within the Christian community there are many different and confusing beliefs about heaven and hell. This group of studies examines the most popular of these beliefs in the light of biblical fact in order to separate biblical fact from theological fiction.

One of the most misunderstood subjects in the Bible concerns the state of the dead. The main barrier to gaining a clear understanding of this subject is the teaching that assumes humans have an immortal soul and at this soul either goes to heaven, hell, paradise or some place in-between, at death. This study reveals the true condition of the dead and solves the mystery of the rephaim that inhabit the grave.


Some Christians believe that because the unborn have never sinned they will be granted salvation and that infants and very young children who die are granted salvation, because they could not possibly understand what sin is. Others suggest that before a certain age, children are not held accountable for sin. The major problem with these beliefs is the lack of scriptural confirmation to support them. Using scriptural references this his study clearly shows the spiritual condition of the unborn, infants, and young children.


Many people believe that heaven is the reward of the saved. However, even among those who believe that heaven is the ultimate reward of the saved, there are many different ideas as to when, where, and how this reward is given. This study reveals what the true reward of the saved is and when this reward is given to those who take part in the first resurrection.


Many believe that humans have an immortal soul and that, at death, they immediately go to either heaven or hell. A fundamental principal of this teaching is that all a person has to do is ask forgiveness for their sins any time prior to death and they will be saved and go to heaven. One of the most common references used to defend this belief is the conversation between Jesus and the two men who were crucified with him. But did Jesus grant one of these thieves salvation just before his death, and did he go to heaven with Christ that day?


The mysterious disappearance of Enoch and Elijah has led to the popular belief that some, if not all, righteous individuals who have died are alive with God in heaven at this very moment. This study explains the disappearance of Enoch and Elijah and where they are today.


Many quote the story of the Rich Man and the Beggar, Lazarus, to support the traditional teaching that the righteous go to heaven at death and the wicked go to a place of eternal torment. This study shows that this story has little to do with going to heaven, but has much to do with eternal life or death.


For centuries, Christian leaders have tried to frighten converts and prospective converts with the threat of eternal punishment in a place called Hell, in order to get them to set their sights on going to heaven when they die. This study reveals that what the Bible actually says about Hell and the punishment of sinners is very different from what is popularly taught today in most biblically oriented churches.
